Cub Scout Pack 306

"Do your best"

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Fall Campout


Our camping coordinator Wil Heslop is putting the final touches to the schedule and menu for the family campout. Last years "pot-luck" style worked out pretty well so we will try it again. Expect a "google sheets" link soon for sining up. This year we are changing the days, camping from Saturday to Sunday to allow for more day time adventures such as more hikes, more running, and by all means noise!


Like last year, the menu is an "organized potluck". The google sheets link (what is that) below is an online spread sheet where each line is an item the group needs. Signup for which ever items you feel you can bring for the group. If you have any questions or would like to signup for items through mail, then send a message to our camping coordinator Wil Heslop.

Camp Schedule


There are two ways to signup.

  1. The primary way is to put your scouts name down on the menu as shown above, we can find you in our roster from that.
  2. The second way is to send an email to

Packing List

Here is a list of items to get you started. There are other things you could bring, but for those who are new to camping this is a great place to start: