Cub Scout Pack 306

"Do your best"

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Pack 306 News - August

Stargazing - This week

Scouts and Scouters:

The day is almost upon us for Pack 306's Virtual Stargazing party! There are a couple requirements that can be satisfied by stargazing with your family, but the most important reason to go out and check out the sky is for the FUN. I spent about 10 minutes on a Zoom call with an expert on observing the Baltimore sky and recorded our conversation - you can see it here before the party. You Tube link. After your scout has stargazed, please send a message to Eric Silva along with a picture of your 5 constellations so we can record your attendance. Have a great rest of your summer, and we'll talk to you in the fall.

Going Forward

In September we will be starting up the Cub Scout Season again. Most event will be virtual for at first but we are planning to do some smaller, Den Sized, events for those who are interested. We, like everyone, are keeping our eyes on the numbers and at this time it looks like groups of up to 15 are allowed. We however are not looking to push our luck and will be limiting our in person interactions as much as possible matching what our schools and charter organization do. With that in mind we would like to report several things:

Signup Night

Signup night will be on line beginning later this months as soon as the district finishes reporting out to us what online offerings they have to help us. If their system is convenient we will incorporate it, otherwise we will do much like last year where we use Square for payments and a web form for details.

Den Leader Emails

In an effort to make communication better this season, we will be changing up the way we issue email addresses for den leaders. The leaders are finding it hard to switch each year from one account to another named after the den they are leading, so instead we will be naming each den with a number that the scouts keep the entire time they are with us: Den 1 will first be a tiger, then a wolf, and so forth. Once you kid is assigned a den number there will be a matching email address which you can use for that group of scouts for the entire time they are with us. They can also go get a den number patch from the scout store and put it on their uniform. Example. We will roll this out around the same time as signup.

Popcorn sales

Popcorn sales will largely be on line this year. If you have not, setup an account at then go check it out. Be sure to use the following so that we can get credit:

If you pass a "scout code" back to us we can put it on our web page to help get the word out for your scout.

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