Cub Scout Pack 306

"Do your best"

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Pack 306 News - 2020-05-13

As the year is closing out we have a backlog of things to do:

Sunflower seeds have gone out to families to participate in our event to promote pollinators. If you did not get a packet in your mail box, please email the Cub Master. We are using the same address for sending out awards.

Friends of Scouting

Normally and our Blue and Gold dinner we would do a drive for Friends of Scouting. This year of course things are going down differently. Please consider making a donation through the FoS Donation Page.

Scouting for food

Normally the Pack does a food drive to collect food for the Catonsville Emergency Assistance this time of year, but we don't think we will be able to pull this together under the current circumstances. In lieu of a food drive we suggest people make a donation instead.

Whittling Chip

For those Bears, Webelos, and Arrow Of Lights who need to earn Whittling chip, The cub master is offering web training. How this will work is that Thomas will video chat with the parent and scout and walk them through doing the knife safety training at home. Obviously someone will need to practice things like passing a knife so a parent is required to help facilitate that on the other side. To sign up, use the form below or email the cub master.

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