Cub Scout Pack 306

"Do your best"

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2020-04-22 - News and Updates

We are still here, but No in-person meetings this week. Check with your Den leader for a schedule on video meetings.

It looks like we will not be meeting in person in the near time so we are making plans for how we can finish of this years activities safely. The current backup plan is to mail off a package to every scout with all the accumulated awards. This means that we will be holding off to close out the year to give scouts a bit more time to finish requirements. Work with your den leaders to complete any remaining requirements. We are then considering holding web meetings at the den level to congratulate the scouts on their progress.

We need to verify everyone's mailing address. Please send your current address to either your den leader or the Cub Master.

Upcoming events

Most everything is on hold, however we have two things to announce:

Virtual Camping - Saturday 25th

Many of the den leaders have already announced in their weekly meeting, but this weekend we will be holding a Virtual Campout. Set up a tent, fire up the charcoal grill or a fire pit and camp in your back yard. At 8:00 we will be sharing videos or post to the facebook group and facebook page.

Sun Flower Project

Bees play an essential role in our ecosystem and they depend on flowers, like sunflowers to survive. As a pack, we are going to grow sunflowers and plan them in our yards to create a community wide network of pollen sources for bees. We are going to include seeds in a mailing to go out to all families for the scouts to plant so they can contribute.

Spring Campout - June 6th and 7th

Our spring campout will be moved to June 6th and 7th and will be held at at Fort Frederick.

All Future Events

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