Cub Scout Pack 306

"Do your best"

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2020-03-13 - Coronavirus changes

Current Plan

For the next two weeks we will not be holding normal meetings. Instead some of the dens may meet in different locations to keep the number of people gathering down to a minimum. The Baltimore Area Council has asked that we follow John Hopkin's recommendations of limiting youth group activities to 10 or less people.

We ask that parents practice self quarantining. We understand that two weeks without interactions is a long time for our kids to be stuck in the house. However we feel we must cancel activities if (or when) the situation gets worse. For all of our safety, please report any illnesses.

In the mean time, I'm asking that if dens do meet, they meet outdoors away from contaminated surfaces where people can practice safe distances. Here are the current plans for the Dens:

What is next